Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Dad, The Pushover

Alright so my dad might come off as this bad-ass super cop who can rip phone books in half with the effort it takes to tie his shoes. He may come off a fine-tuned well-oiled beast of man who scares grizzled old men just by looking at them. Its true he can take down a bear and put it in a full nelson and he may or may not have the state police record for consecutive push-ups. Let me tell you a secret though; all it takes for him to break down and give my brother and I whatever we want is a 2-headed verbal blitz with a little enthusiasm for whatever it is we want. He's helpless against us, no matter how hard he tries, he caves.

Case in point, tonight we wanted Pizza Hut. Their thin crust pizza is delicious, and my brother is partial to the pepperoni stuffed crust. So we schemed for a quick minute, and decided to put on the blitz. We stood outside his bedroom and when he came out he looked at us and grinned, we had him. We could have asked for a new car, a vacation, a gigantic pool filled with jello, whatever. It wouldn't have mattered, we had him and we knew it. All it took was a sheepish grin back at him and a "how about Pizza Hut tonight?" Boom!! Here I am back at home full of delicious Pizza Hut pizza without breaking a sweat. Thanks Dad!

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